
How To Change Water Softener Filter

how to change water softener filter

Nosotros dear dwelling house comeback products that will provide long-lasting service for our household necessities. For instance, a labor-saving device like water softeners is essential for our home to eliminate hard water that constitutes numerous problems.

H2o softeners remove foreign particles in difficult water such equally magnesium and calcium, and other mineral compounds which cause limescale deposits on your pipes and water-heating appliances.

Learning how to alter h2o softener filter volition assist y'all satisfy your family unit's needs for soft water. We must alter the filter every three months to ensure that the organisation will reach its job effectively.

Table of Contents

  • What Will You Demand in This Tutorial
    • H2o Filter Wrench
    • Replacement Filter
    • Bucket
    • Silicone Sealing Chemical compound
    • Extra O-ring
  • Step by Step Didactics
  • Conclusion

What Will You Need in This Tutorial


I recently installed my GE h2o softener filter replacement, and the process was manageable. Below are necessary DIY tools and equipment that could help you attain the chore smoothly:

Water Filter Wrench


A water filter wrench is a unique hardware used to unscrew the housing sump that holds the filter cartridge. This wrench is the commencement thing you would grab when changing your water softener filter. After using it, you may hand-plough the housing to detach it from the system.

Option the correct size of wrench that will fit around the base of your water filter housing as it volition assist you remove the housing hands.

Replacement Filter


Your DIY journeying isn't consummate without the new filter. You tin insert this in your filter housing after removing the quondam filter. Typically, you'll hear a pop sound in one case it is inserted within, a sign that it fits deeply.



For every h2o treatment arrangement repair, it'due south convenient to bring a bucket with you lot and so you can dump the h2o coming from the filter in one case it is discrete from the system. A lot of water will come up through an former filter, and then you demand to put a saucepan underneath to foreclose water spillage.

Silicone Sealing Compound


If your filter housing'south gasket or O-ring is loose, you would want to add together a generous amount of silicone compound to add a secure seal on the groove walls of your filter housing. This way, it won't easily come off when you lot put it dorsum in the housing cap.

This lubricant is optional if you accept no issues with your current O-ring. Just I recommend using it occasionally because O-rings more often than not require an ample amount of lubrication at some point to perform in its top condition.

I adopt Silicone compounds because they accept excellent resistance to chemicals, moisture, and weathering compared to other adhesives. They can maintain their elasticity and stability in both high and low temperatures, thus, providing a superior grip to your O-ring.


This is optional, merely some manufacturers recommend changing O-rings once a yr because they fail and sometimes break because of rapid water pressure changes. It's good to accept an extra supply if your current O-ring has irreparable damages leading to leaks (pocket-sized cuts, pocks or pits in the surface, etc.).

Footstep past Step Instruction


When your water softener filter is clogged with difficult minerals, yous volition notice desperate changes in your home water quality. That's a tell-tale sign that information technology'south time for a water softener filter replacement.

Below are the quick and like shooting fish in a barrel steps I followed in changing filter on GE water softener at home :

Pace ane: Switch off the h2o supply line connected to the filter to stop the h2o from flowing inside. Switch off the chief water valve. It will block the h2o from coming back then the filter will now be isolated from the organisation.

Pro Tip: Depressurize your water system before you lot shut off the primary valve. You lot tin can open the nearest faucet of your home and allow water to drain for five-ten minutes. It will prevent severe leaks in the pipelines when replacing your filter.

Pace ii: Position the bucket underneath your filter housing to catch any h2o coming out when you disassemble it from the system. There can be a massive amount of water, and you wouldn't want information technology to spill on the floor.

Step iii: At the inlet cap of your water filter, you'll see the pressure relief push on the left side. Printing this button, and yous may see excess water dripping off from its side. It ways that the pressure has been released, and you may now remove the filter housing.

Pro Tip: This button usually comes in two colors such as red and black. You can hands see this button as information technology is the just push button on your filter housing.

Step 4: Use the filter wrench and insert it around the housing to unlock information technology from the cap. Turn the wrench clockwise, and information technology should loosen the grip—mitt-turn the housing to detach it completely but do it charily because information technology will be brimmed with water.

Stride 5: Discard the h2o in the bucket, pull out the old filter within the housing, and fix it aside. Inspect the housing to ensure that no sediments are obstructing the threads.

Step six: Locate the O-band and run into if information technology is seated properly. Use the silicone compound and apply the sealant effectually the groove if it's loose. Otherwise, if the O-ring is damaged, replace it with a new ane before using the lubricant.

Stride 7: Insert the new filter into the housing. You'll probably hear a clicking audio that tells you that you have successfully replaced the filter.

Stride eight: Hand-turn the housing counterclockwise to reattach it in your system.

Pro Tip: Don't utilize the filter wrench this time because it will tight-fit the housing, and it will exist difficult for you to remove information technology next time.

Step 9: Turn the 2 water valves back on, open up the faucets and let the water sputter and menses. The water should exist unclouded if the filter is installed correctly.


  • Water softener maintenance is more than straightforward than most of u.s.a. might call up. Typically, you can always check your water softener's operating transmission to determine the best practices you tin can do to extend its lifespan. One of the principal culprits of a malfunctioning water softener filter is poor maintenance.
  • Water softener filter replacement toll volition depend on the household size, types of water softening device, site conditions, and installation labor (D. I. Y. or professional plumber). On boilerplate, changing a h2o softener filter costs anywhere from xxx to 200 dollars.


H2o softeners have been a convenient companion for homeowners in solar day-to-day household chores. A faulty filter volition indeed interfere with our daily water-using activities.

Now that you have learned how to change water softener filter, you tin easily replace it anytime you discover whatsoever issues. It also means an uninterrupted supply of soft h2o for you and your family! How does that audio?

If you have any tips on how you lot maintain your water softener filter, feel free to share them in the comment section below. Let'southward DIY together!

How To Change Water Softener Filter,


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